You might know ARTCRANK from its circuit of bicycle-inspired art shows, which this year open in cities from Minneapolis to London. But this week the organization announced a collaborative project with Trek that puts its poster-art theme on the frame of a bike.

The model, the Trek District ARTCRANK Edition, is a single-speed city bike with a chain-less Gates Carbon Drive. Graphics on the frame, designed by ARTCRANK’s Rob Angermuller, take influence from “traditional screen-printing techniques and textures as well as pop art and Japanese animé,” according to an announcement.
Painted and decaled by hand in Trek’s Waterloo, Wis., facility, the District ARTCRANK Edition will be available in extremely limited quantities, the organization said. Cost $TBD.

The special-edition bike will be on display at ARTCRANK shows around the country this year, including at the Interbike trade show later this month. Says ARTCRANK founder Charles Youel, “The artists in our shows are people who are inspired by riding bicycles — this was an opportunity to take that idea back to the source and make a bike about art.”
—Stephen Regenold is founder and editor of
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