And now for something completely different. . .
In today’s New York Times I write about muzzleloader guns, a broad class of firearms loaded from the front, open end of the barrel that have been bought by tens of thousands of American hunters in the past decade.

Photo for New York Times by T.C. Worley
Indeed, more than three million hunters and shooting enthusiasts in the United States now put black powder and bullets down their barrels, mash the ingredients in with a ramrod, and hold up the gun to fire. That’s according to the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, an organization based in Friendship, Ind., that has 20,000 members.
For this story, I went deer hunting with three muzzleloader enthusiasts in the Chengwatana State Forest of east-central Minnesota. Go here to read, “Past Is Back: Deer Hunting Frontier Style” in today’s Escapes section.