Ten years ago, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ Nongame Wildlife Program started the EagleCam, a remote live stream of a bald eagle nest in an undisclosed location. The EagleCam lets viewers see how wild eagles nest, hatch, and raise a clutch.
Minnesota is home to more bald eagles than any other state in the lower 48, and this year’s eagle family will soon welcome the arrival of two eaglets. The first egg arrived on February 12, followed by a second egg on February 16.
Incubation of a bald eagle egg typically takes 34 to 36 days, which means this year’s EagleCam clutch is due to hatch around the third week of March.
Note That It’s Nature
The Nongame Wildlife Program issues a couple of warnings to viewers. First, remember that this is live footage of predatory, wild bald eagles in nature. Some events and behavior might be difficult for some to watch, so use discretion when viewing.
Second, you might want to mute that volume, as a glitchy microphone creates a continuous clicking noise (though the program administrators tell us that the eagles cannot hear the noise).
View the live stream below, or head to the DNR EagleCam landing page, where you can also donate to the Nongame Wildlife Program.