Looking to find a road bike under $1,000? These bikes have some heft compared to their more expensive cousins, but they’re built to last.
When it comes to bikes (and most outdoor gear), there’s a saying: Between lightweight, durable, and cheap, you can pick two. If you’re looking for a road bike under $1,000, that means choosing between light or durable, and durable should always win out.
That’s why most of the bikes on this budget list cost under $1,000 but weigh over 20 pounds. Sure, you can drop $10,000 and get a sweet, durable bike that weighs under 14 pounds. But if you don’t have that kind of cash, you’ll want to opt for a bike with components built to last over many miles of use.
The Best Road Bikes Under $1,000
Raleigh Grand Sport: $750
If you’re looking for a classy AF steel road bike that looks like something your parents rode in the ’80s — in a cool way — then the Raleigh Grand Sport might be the ride for you.
Made with industry-standard 4130 Chromoly steel and sporting a Brooks Cambium saddle (and matching bar tape), it looks more vintage than today’s standard road bikes. But with a Shimano Claris eight-speed drivetrain and crankset and Clement Strada tires, the bike rides like new.
If you want to trick it out for more touring or commuting applications, the frame has rack and fender mounts ready to go.
Check Price at AmazonTrek Domane AL 2 — Men’s & Women’s: $860
Trek, like many major bike companies, makes a high-end version of most of its road bikes, with ultralight carbon frames and the best of the best in terms of componentry. Eventually, those designs trickle down into the slightly cheaper components and lower-priced, but still solid, aluminum frames.
That’s why the Domane AL 2 rides so well at such a great price. Trek designed the aluminum model for comfortable riding, but it can certainly keep up on even the fastest group rides.