Carbon bike builders want you to buy new frames when you break one. We’re here to say you don’t have to.

Mountain bikers fully adopted the use of carbon as a frame material over the past decade, but not without hesitation. The lightweight and desirable ride characteristics outweigh the material’s impact fragility and premium price in the mind of most riders I know.
But stories of small cracks leading to unrideable frames also abound.

I personally had three frames already in my stable of “retired” broken carbon frames before an experience in New Zealand led me down the path toward repair.
“Just send it to the shop and they’ll fix it right up,” the nonchalant Kiwi told me. And the journey began.
‘Sketchy’ World Of Carbon Bike Repair
And so I learned about the seemingly sketchy world of repairing a carbon fiber mountain bike. Universally, every single bike brand I talked to told me this was NOT A GOOD IDEA. They spouted all sorts of reasons from liability concerns, to the difficulty of the procedure, to the danger of a repair failing during extreme riding.
The brands all suggested repair was not worth the risk and buying a discounted replacement was the safest option. Most brands warranty frames against manufacturing defects. In all but one of the frames, brands declared damage unequivocally my fault (or the airlines’, shippers’, etc).
DIY Carbon Repair?
I bought a $99 DIY carbon repair kit from Amazon and tried my hand at a repair. In the end, it was more than I felt comfortable with, and the voices of the bike manufacturer’s warning echoed in my head: “What if it breaks when you are riding?”
Professional Carbon Bike Repair
“Appleman Bicycles can repair your damaged, broken, busted, or cracked carbon fiber frame! Nearly every carbon fiber frame can be repaired no matter how severe the damage. I use my vast knowledge and experience in advanced carbon fiber structure repair to bring your bike back to it’s original strength, safely. With a turnaround time of 3 days, you’ll have your bike back quickly.
It’s a myth that carbon can’t be repaired. In fact, carbon fiber is one of the most repairable materials and each Appleman repair is covered by a 10 year warranty! Repairs add no measurable weight and don’t alter the ride of the bike.
Don’t worry… get it repaired!”