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BeerJunkie: Diebolt Brewing Back Bowls Brown Ale Review

The BeerJunkie heads to the snowy slopes of Denver's Diebolt Brewing and its skier-inspired Back Bowls Brown Ale.
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True or false: Paul Pabst has been blacklisted in Boulder, Colorado, for losing a rental car that has never been recovered. The answer is just one of the fun facts packed into this week’s episode — an episode that keeps us in one of America’s havens of craft beer, the Mile-High City.

In fact, Denver even plays home to the annual Great American Beer Festival — “GABF” (sounds like it’s spelled). And standing in the city’s western neighborhoods is a stout brick building, as unassuming on the outside as it is hopping on the inside. Diebolt Brewing is a family-friendly taproom and a family-inspired brewery that cranks out mainstay brews and experimental flavors in equal measure.

The Back Bowls Brown Ale is the brand’s “reboot” of its GABF silver-medal-winning beer. But a silver medal would pale in prestige to the acclaim of the BeerJunkie himself. So, what does Pabst think? You’ll have to watch to find out!

Check out the full library of BeerJunkie reviews. And be sure to follow @ppabst34 and @thegearjunkie for more beer and gear reviews!

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