Buying a knife is an easy process. Go to a local sporting-goods store, drop two twenties on the counter, and you will get a knife in return. Buying a good knife? That’s a different thing altogether.
Knives are essential tools — they make daily life a bit easier and life in the woods much nicer, but finding a good knife, especially one that doesn’t break the bank, is actually pretty complicated. The reality is you can find a good knife in just about any price range, even at a sporting goods store. Price is not the issue; knowing what to look for is the obstacle most folks face.
Decision #1: Fixed or Folding
What do you want this knife to do? Do you want something that trims threads and opens packages, or do you need a knife that can cut and process wood? Generally, hard-use tasks like wood processing and hunting are more easily done with a fixed blade. Lighter duty tasks, the aforementioned package opening and food prep, can be handled with a folder.
But the old divide of hard use — fixed blade and light duty — folder is not as sacrosanct as it once was. First, there is a new generation of folders that have incredibly strong locks. Knives like Cold Steel’s Recon 1 or Spyderco’s Paramilitary 2. Second, there is a new generation of fixed blades, knives like the Bark River Pocket Bravo, that are designed to be used as everyday carry, light duty blades. Despite these innovations, the old rule of thumb is still useful.
Decision #2: What Are You Cutting?
Cutting packages, slicing food, preparing game, and chopping wood are all radically different tasks that knives do, and each of these tasks place different demands on a blade. There are three factors that determine how well a knife cuts — the shape of the blade, the heat treat, and the steel. Heat-treating steel is a complex process, but any modern knife of minimal quality will have a good heat treat.
(Related: 10 Common Knife Steels)
Decision #3: How Will You Use the Knife?

Scandi and Serration
Decision #4: What Kind of Steel Do I Want?
Decision #5: What Do I Want the Knife to Look Like?