Talk about a room with a view! A new installation called Step Into The Void opened on Dec. 21 on the top of Aiguille du Midi in the French Alps that gives visitors an incredible, glass-room view a kilometer straight down.

The new room at Aiguille du Midi is similar to the Grand Canyon’s Skywalk, which also provides heart-palpitating views.

Step Into The Void was designed by Pierre-Yves Chays and took three years to construct.
Visitors reach the glass room by a 20-minute ride in the Aiguille du Midi cable car.

Those who can handle the heights will be treated to views through five transparent sides made of clear glass, including the floor, suspended 3,395 feet above the valley floor.
Check out the video below to see the surroundings and more renderings of the room. It is, appropriately, in French.