SIA announced it supports the emissions crackdown and will visit Washington, D.C., where the bill fights for traction in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Things are heating up; climate change spells bad news for all of us without direct action. And the snowsports industry is on the front lines from a business perspective. That’s why Snowsports Industries America announced its support for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA).
The bill, which is currently making the rounds in Congress’ lower chamber, outlines a plan to charge companies for their carbon emissions, and pay the funds back to Americans as a dividend.
With 79 cosponsors in the House so far, the legislation has a long way to go. It will need 218 votes to advance to the Senate. But the American public is speaking out, as support continues to grow in the private and nonprofit sectors.

SIA stepped into the conversation on July 30, announcing its support:
“Placing a price on carbon is one of the most effective tools we have to substantially reduce carbon emissions and address climate change. This market-based mechanism has broad bipartisan support, and we strongly support this common-sense legislation that will protect our industry and communities like Park City from the devastating impacts of climate change,” said Nick Sargent, President of SIA.
Use It or Lose It: SIA’s Influence in a $73 Billion Industry
Based in Park City, Utah, Snowsports Industries America operates as a winter sports advocacy group. Its mission is to “connect diverse industry stakeholders and provide a clear roadmap for a thriving future guided by advocacy, consumers, education, inclusion, insights and participation.”
The nonprofit supports initiatives to strengthen the $73 billion winter outdoor industry and protect its interests. As heat waves continue to wrack the United States and the planet, mitigating climate change becomes critical — especially for winter sports.
SIA focuses on climate change as a central priority through programs like its Climate United initiative, which includes commitments from Burton, 686, Mammut, and a slew of others. The organization notes that dramatic shifts in seasonality and rising temperatures already threaten the industry.
EICDA Facts and SIA’s Support
Enter the EICDA, which is the most broadly supported carbon pricing bill in Congress. The legislation proposes charging companies for their CO2 emissions and paying the funds back to each American as a dividend. Its goal is to help the U.S. reduce carbon pollution by up to 45% by 2030, with a net-zero target by 2050.
To do it, carbon would be priced at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e and increase by $10 every year.
The bill would mitigate CO2 by leveling the financial playing field between fossil fuels and alternative energies. In turn, Americans could spend the money in their pockets in a more equitably and realistically priced energy market.

SIA will support the bill’s progress by amplifying it. Chris Steinkamp, SIA’s Head of Advocacy, explains that supporting legislation is a matter of “elevating our voice and rallying our members to send a signal to lawmakers.”
Most of the work, according to Steinkamp, takes place through grassroots advocacy via phone calls and networking. But as part of its commitment to the EICDA, the nonprofit will send a cohort to Washington, D.C.
Of course, cooperation between parties will be key to the legislation’s success. Although some tout it for its bipartisan support, all of its existing 79 sponsors are Democrats.
Visit SIA’s website to learn more about the nonprofit and its mission. To learn more about the EICDA, check out lead sponsor Ted Deutsch’s (D-Fl.) summary of the bill.