A new book, ‘The Bikeraft Guide,’ offers a comprehensive rundown of tackling an adventure by pedal and paddle. So we asked the authors to answer the most-asked bikerafting question: How do you lash a bike to a packraft?
The following is an excerpt from “The Bikeraft Guide: The Ultimate How-To Guide, History Of & Wild Adventure Stories about Bikerafting,” written by Lizzy Scully and Steve “Doom” Fassbinder. Visit their IndieGoGo campaign and preorder your guide today!
More people ask this question than any other, as it’s still uncommon to see other bikerafters anywhere, and information on the web remains limited.
Peruse the internet, and you’ll see all sorts of configurations. You might see people lashing their bikes to the stern of their boats, either accidentally or on purpose (one company has designed a boat to carry a bike on its stern, something good exclusively for flatwater boating). Though incorrect, it makes sense because the stern is often more buoyant.
“If you’re going to take apart your bike, make sure every part of that bike is strapped down or accounted for because the last thing you want is to lose a wheel, pedal, saddle, or a skewer. If you’re taking your bike apart a lot, dedicate a place to put your gear, or develop a strapping system for everything you have on your bike. I lost a seat and a seat post on a trip once. I stood up a lot. It was a low consequence trip, but it still sucked.” — Eric Parsons, Owner of Revelate Designs & early adopter of bikes & packrafts.
With so many configurations available online, is there an actual right way to attach your bike on your boat? Yes and no. There are certainly some best practices you might want to consider.

Bjorn Olson’s informative article, “Bikerafting: Incorporating Packrafts into Bikepacking,” offers some excellent suggestions:
Bjorn Olson: How to Strap Your Bike to a Packraft
There are two main ways that I strap the bike to the raft when I am in paddle mode.
- One way is very fast and simple, but I only ever use this method when making short and calm crossings. This involves inflating the raft, removing the non-drive pedal (create good habits and always store pedals in the same place every time. I put mine in my frame bag. Always!), and laying the bike across the bow. I then use one strap to keep the bike from falling overboard. The front-wheel ends up being in the water with this configuration but if you only have a short distance to cover and the water is calm, this is okay. Once I am in the raft I place my pack on my lap and make the crossing.
- For longer crossings or crossings in moving water, it’s well worth the extra time and effort to secure your bike properly. While everyone’s method varies, this generally involves removing both pedals and at least the front wheel, placing the frame driveside up on your raft, and finding the balance point before loosely strapping down the frame and wheel(s). Once the load is equalized on your raft, tighten the straps to secure your load.
Of course, again, how you lash your bike on your packraft depends on many things, from the style of bikerafting you wish to do to where you are to what sort of water you are running, etc. As with all things bikerafting, the answer is, it depends. In this deep dive, Doom talks about his best practices. He admits his way isn’t definitive. But it’s a tried and true method he’s used all over the world. So we think it’s a good place to start.

How Do I Lash My Bike to My Boat?
First Things First: Get Your Bike and Straps Ready

Next Step, Lash the Bike Frame to the Boat

Next, Put Your Wheels on Your Boat

What If I Don’t Feel Like Taking My Rear Wheel Off?
How Do I Pack My Other Gear on the Boat?
What Do I Take Off My Bike When I Pack It on My Boat?

What Are Some Things That Can Puncture My Boat?
Should I Go Disaster Style?
Should I Use the Cargo Fly or Not?
Should I Use Tie Downs?