It all started when Scott Enloe hooked a fish that turned out to be bigger than he ever could have imagined. The action escalated when he and his son and fishing partner, Hunter, landed the lunker and sprang into fast action to both record its mind-bending measurements and preserve its life.
But the moment that really cranked Enloe’s big fish story up to 11? That would be as soon as he shared the photos of himself holding the record laker.
A media hurricane soon swamped the Enloe household in Gunnison, Colorado, where Scott has fielded near-constant interview requests and personal messages ever since the May 5 catch — and continues to do so as I write this.
It’s warranted. Between Enloe’s affable enthusiasm as a sportsman, and a fish that looks like this, it’s a tall order to ignore.
An Absolute Monster

The lake trout weighed 73.29 pounds, according to the Enloes’ scales — a world record and a specimen that’s probably been living in Blue Mesa Reservoir for the lake’s entire 57-year history. If verified by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA), Enloe’s catch will break a 28-year-old IGFA All-Tackle record. The existing record fish was snagged, whereas Enloe caught his laker on rod and reel, hooked cleanly through the upper lip. Enloe’s fish measured 47 inches long and 37 inches in girth.
Enloe, a house builder originally from North Carolina, called me exactly on schedule. He sounded sharper than I would have after five straight days of interviews.
“I’m good. I’m run to death! It’s been absolutely bananas,” he said of the attention, which became international when outlets from Canada caught the story.
But let’s back up. Scott and Hunter Enloe’s story of the (unofficial for now) world record lake trout begins on Blue Mesa’s first fishable day.
“The ice finally broke up on Friday,” Scott said. “So we were out at the launch at 5:30 on Friday morning, third in line.”