In the 2023 adidas commercial “The Ridiculous Run,” a young woman steps into a dark urban street to start a night run. She opens her phone to see her location, and then joins a group of other women flanked by motorcycles, cars, and even a uniformed guardian on a horse.
This may look ridiculously unnecessary, the commercial tells us, but it’s no less absurd than the 92% of women who feel unsafe when they run. That statistic, which comes from a widely shared adidas survey of 9,000 runners across nine countries, is more than just a number for Dena Lewis, an Atlanta-based entrepreneur and ultrarunner.
Lewis experienced her first assault in 2010 while jogging a mile from her home. The same man showed up at her house 3 days later. Shaken by what had happened to her, she stopped running for a year.
“The world felt scarier,” she told GearJunkie. “I remember putting on my shoes and thinking, ‘I would literally pay someone to run with me right now’.”

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‘We Take It for Granted’