‘When you can make your jacket glow like a ball of kryptonite, you know there’s some bats#*t crazy tech going on.’

Gear manufacturer Vollebak adds to its cache of outside-the-box product design with a technical jacket that stores light and re-emits it at night.
Yep, this jacket glows in the dark.
Vollebak Solar Charged Jacket

The “Solar Charged” moniker is a bit of a misnomer. The jacket will absorb and store light from any source. As the brand notes, “You can see the instantly reactive fabric at work in as little as 2 seconds” by shining an iPhone light on any part of it.
Obviously, glow-in-the-dark isn’t new. You might have some glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceilings from the early 90s. But this is a unique application in a waterproof jacket.