“Wear it, unravel it, survive!” That’s the somewhat melodramatic but highly illustrative tagline for Survival Straps’ namesake product.

Survival Straps is an operation based in Florida, and its workers weave a high-strength cord — “550 test military spec paracord,” as the company touts — into a variety of bracelet types.
The bracelet made of paracord that can be untied and unfurled in the outdoors in a time of need.
Review Survival Bracelet
This month, I wore the Regular Survival Bracelet model, which costs about $25. It is an inch wide and it looks like a bulky watch band on the arm.

It clasps closed with a stainless steel shackle. The company includes two types of pins, one steel and one plastic, to lock the shackle in place. The plastic pin will break away and release the bracelet if your hand gets caught up on an object descending a mountain or moving through the woods.
The Regular Survival Bracelet model comes in multiple sizes and color choices. You can pick the paracord colors online to make a custom design.
The functional side of the design comes when you remove the shackle and unravel the cord. Whether you need to tie down a tent, sling an injured arm, or replace a boot lace, the bracelet cord can do the trick.
You get about 16 feet from a Survival Straps bracelet.

Men’s, women’s and kids’ models are included in the Survival Straps line. Necklaces, watch bands, sunglasses straps, belts, and rifle slings — all made of paracord! — are other items the company sells.
Bonus Refund Policy
Survival Straps has an “if you use it, we replace it” policy. That means if you ever come into an emergency situation and unravel the bracelet, the company will send you a new one. A photo and a descriptive “survival story” is required for the replacement of the paracord band.
Here’s an example. Not that we’re condoning extreme survival situations…but a good story is a good story.