Alchemy Bikes is offering swag, bike fits, burritos, and more to purchasers who make the pilgrimage out to Golden, Colo.
Good news, trail shredders. Golden, Colo.-based Alchemy Bikes is sweetening the deal if you buy one of its bikes at full MSRP. Pulling the trigger on an Alchemy bike (we’re a fan of the brand’s titanium hardtail) gives you access to the DARE: Golden Package — a test ride/bike-fitting that includes a one-night stay at Origin Red Rocks Hotel.
Colorado is an iconic mountain biking destination, so make sure you ask for the optional late checkout so you can squeeze in a few morning laps.
DARE stands for Discover Alchemy’s Ride Experience. In addition to the hotel stay and onsite bike demo and fit, the program includes an Alchemy swag bag, a free breakfast burrito and coffee at Launch Coffee Company, and a $20 gift card to Over Yonder Brewing Company.
A brew, a burrito, some joe, and a roof over your head in a Colorado mountain town — we can think of worse ways to test a new ride.
Alchemy Bikes has a few basic rules to abide by. Accommodations at the Origin Red Rocks Hotel are subject to availability, and your bike must be paid for in full before you can get the perks. If you don’t want to drive or fly your new bike home, Alchemy will ship it via Kitzuma, FedEx, or Beeline.
Golden is located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and contains a plethora of history and culture to explore, in addition to the biking, climbing, fishing, and kayaking you can do there. Learn more about the DARE: Golden Package at Alchemy’s website.