Stop in and say “Hi” if you’re in the area. This week, an insatiable hunger for singletrack will take GearJunkie contributing writer T.C. Worley from Minnesota to Fruita, Colo., to join in the fun at the 16th Annual Fruita Mountain Bike Festival. The western Colorado city (Fruita) is home to hundreds of miles of tasty trails that each year attract throngs of mtb riders looking for some early-season fun.

Festivities include bike demos, beer tents, a clunker-crit race, prizes, and drawings for swag to keep festival goers busy in between the pedal pounding. GearJunkie is getting in on the excitement, too, and Worley will be packing GJ-emblazoned water bottles and GJ stickers to hand out. If you see him and can “catch” him on his bike, ask for one, and you shall receive. Happy trails!