One designer wants to increase shock absorption in mountain bikes by replacing standard spokes with shock-absorbing coils. Triple the shocks, triple the fun!
Full-suspension mountain bikes just don’t cut it for designer Hojun Lee. So he created a solution within the wheels. In place of standard spokes are three sets of shock absorbing coils in his concept renderings.
While entirely theoretical, Lee’s design is not without merit. Spokes and rims found on any standard bicycle already absorb shock, albeit minimally.
This design takes suspension to the next level and could benefit mountain bikers who want a cushier ride. Or more attention.
Currently, this is just a concept with renderings, no prototype or production is planned.
Full-er Suspension Mountain Bike
Hojun Lee’s design won an award at the international design competition, K-Design. Lee currently attends the Seoul National University of Science and Technology in South Korea.