RV Life: Pro Writer Shares Tales From the Road

GearJunkie: When did you start living and working full-time in your Airstream? Do you still have a home base?
For many people, living full-time on the open road is just a dream, one never made a reality. How difficult was it to cut the tethers of a fixed address and start traveling? What prompted you to make the change?
Living in an Airstream qualifies as a bold lifestyle choice, and it had to have come with a few sacrifices. Is there anything you miss about a brick-and-mortar domicile?
Why did you choose your Airstream? Is there anything you would do differently with your setup if given a chance, and do you have any advice for anyone about to pull the trigger on an RV?
As working professionals, being on the move must present unique challenges. How do you stay connected to your work obligations while balancing travel? Is it difficult to compartmentalize work life from your wanderings?

The two of you have been at this a while, so I’m curious about your travel habits. Do you have a circuit of favorite haunts you like to revisit, or is every season a chance to explore new parts of the country? How wide is your migratory range? Any favorite spots you care to share?
With a medium-sized travel trailer, you have the flexibility to wiggle into some great spots far off the grid. Do you prefer to dry camp much of the time, or do you hole up in the occasional RV park?