The crosscut saw is a workhorse of backcountry forestry and trail maintenance. But due to its tiny niche in the cutting market, finding a quality crosscut is harder than ever.
For better or worse, the crosscut saw is a legend of American forestry. Following westward expansion, the humble, no-gasoline, human-powered crosscut took down some of North America’s most massive Douglas firs, redwoods, and sequoias.
Even after the chainsaw displaced it in the 1950s, the saw retains a small but devoted following. For trail crews working in designated wilderness areas, where motors are prohibited, crosscuts are still essential.
And yet, to find a quality saw-maker nowadays, you have to go all the way to the other end of the world (more on this later). But for those who rely on this valuable tool for work in the backcountry, the hunt for crosscut saws often winds through unexpected storefronts.
Vintage Crosscut Saws: The Go-To for Trail Crews
Dolly Chapman has been working on trails since 1977. In her career with the U.S. Forest Service, she’s led crosscut crews in four different national forests. One of the few remaining professional crosscut sharpeners around, Chapman receives hand-mailed saws from customers all over the country.
The differences between a vintage saw and a modern saw, she said, are legion. Vintage saws were made from top-quality steel, while modern saws are made of thin, soft sheet metal. Yesterday’s saw teeth were set in an arc, giving each tooth an equal cut, while new ones are set in a straight line.
Vintage saw teeth were stamped out evenly, and modern ones aren’t. Old saws were taper-ground, creating less friction with the wood and therefore less work for the sawyer. New saws are flat-ground.
To Chapman, the reason for these modern failings is obvious: “A friend of mine said he asked an owner of a saw company, ‘Why do you make such junk?’ And the owner said, ‘Because people buy it.’”
Antiquing for Saws
Want a New Crosscut? Head to New Zealand