Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each Monday. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Gerber Air Ranger: $10 (67% Off)
This minimal folding knife has a high-carbon stainless steel blade and an aluminum handle. The texture on the handle is nonslip, and a hearty thumb stud on the blade provides a one-handed opening.
REI AirRail 1.5 Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad: $63-76 (16-30% Off)
Toss and turn in your sleeping bag, but don’t worry about falling off the pad with the REI AirRail 1.5 Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad. Two self-inflating AirRail tubes keep you from rolling off. And this pad weighs just over 1.5 pounds and compresses into its own stuff sack.
Check it outSorel Slimpack II Lace Winter Boots: $80-110 (24-44% Off)
Warm and stylish, the Sorel Slimpack II lace boots are waterproof with 100 grams of insulation. Full-grain leather lines the upper, and the entire boot is seam-sealed to keep any winter grime out.
Check it out