The original and iconic Kong dog toy’s origins come from a Volkswagen Bus. That makes it fitting that VW and the toy brand are coming together to collaborate on a toy inspired by the retro-designed electric ID.Buzz. This isn’t just any toy, though — it’s one with a cause. Volkswagen and Kong are selling special limited-edition dog toys with net sales to go to dogs in need.
First Kong Came From VW Spare Parts

If you’ve already heard the story about the first Volkswagen Kong dog toy, that’s too bad. You’ll hear it again — because it’s a great one.
The story comes from an auto repair shop in Denver in 1970. Company founder Joe Markham had a German Shepherd and best friend named Fritz (can you tell it was a VW shop?) who chewed up everything around.
One day, Fritz was lounging around — sorry, attentively protecting — the shop when Markham noticed Fritz chewing on an axle stop from one of the VW buses he was working on. Bad dog (never!) … Good idea!
Markham took the part and turned it into something that was meant for dogs. The company might even have managed to out-manufacture VW by this point.
The part, by the way, was a “rubber stop on rear axle tube.” And a quick search shows you can still find them, VW part number 211 501 201.
This Kong Is Inspired by the Original Biting Relationship
Dogs Need to Play, So Give Them a Volkswagen Kong Dog Toy