Ski bums, dirtbag rock climbers, and off-road explorers, meet your dream machine.
The EarthRoamer camper/truck inhabits a rare niche — small compared with the bus-size motorhomes that roam American byways, and capable of handling rough trails and snow.
EarthRoamers sleep four people in a self-sustained cabin with solar panels on the roof, water tanks, bunks, and satellite Internet and TV for a link to civilization. These are adventure-mobiles extraordinaire.
With that comes a heavy price — they start at the staggering amount of $280,000. Why? I went to the epicenter this week to find out, touring the EarthRoamer factory in Dacono, Colo., just north of Denver.
Factory Tour
Enormous fiberglass shells in the shape of an RV tower over my guide through the cavernous building. Inside, men are busy at work; one’s feet protrude from under the front of a truck while others work in a large wood shop.
This is the heart of EarthRoamer, a company that turns Ford F-550s into the burliest off-road capable RVs we’ve seen, and they do it by hand in Colorado.

Origins Of The Brand
