If you’re heading to the Outdoor Adventure Expo in Minneapolis this weekend, April 27 – 29, be sure and get there early to grab some gratis gear! That’s right, for the twice a year expo run by Midwest Mountaineering GearJunkie is sponsoring a giveaway totaling $5,000 of new and lightly-tested items.

OK, so you need to buy something big to get in on the cache. But anyone who purchases $500 or more in outdoors equipment at the Expo will get free reign to grab a piece of gear from the GearJunkie booth.
All the details are on the Expo’s website or in a PDF of the newspaper printed for the event. The Expo opens at 2pm this Friday, April 27. If you’re in the market for gear stop in and shop plus visit with the GearJunkie crew at our booth and dozens of other outfits and organizations under the big circus tent in Minneapolis that’s filled to the brim with gear.