Based out of Whistler, British Columbia, Reuben Krabbe is a man to watch in the world of action sports photography. With a many awards (Whistler’s Deep Summer Photo Challenge 2012; International Freeski Film Festival’s Best Up and Coming Photographer of 2013; RedBull Illume Image Question 2013 Finalist), Reuben’s stunning images have been published in magazines like Powder Magazine, SBC Skier, ESPN Freeskie, Switchback, Decline, and so many more.
Mr. Krabbe clearly knows a thing or two about photography.

As such, he is our choice to help you in your quest for the perfect Christmas gift for the photographer on your list. Read on to see what products Reuben can’t live without.
Magee Walker: Reuben, it’s your lucky Christmas. Santa will be bringing you the camera of your choice this year. What will you be asking him for?
Reuben Krabbe: I just bought a new Nikon D4 this summer, so I don’t think I need to upgrade that. I’d love to get a retro style, single fixed lens, retro style camera. Something to keep on your hip and doesn’t scream ‘pro photographer’. Nikon just came out with the Df. One of those would make me giggle and scream.