This week, on a seafaring route from San Francisco to Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to sail with explorer Mike Horn and his crew. Our trajectory, from Pier 40 in San Fran’s Embarcadero district, under the Golden Gate bridge in typical deep fog, and then south forever along the misty California coast, took just a little over two days. We saw dolphins, sea birds, and once what I think was an orca (do they come this far south?), but not much else. It was a calm, Zen cruise for the most part, which contrasted starkly with the stories and jaw-dropping tales Mike Horn told during our voyage about his life exploring and living in the wild.

Horn captained the Pangaea, an amazing craft that was launched two years ago to be the base for its eponymous Pangaea Expedition, a four-year, continent-hopping journey for Horn and a couple hundred young adults who’re chosen to come along and live, learn and explore.

More to come soon on the sailing experience as well as the Pangaea Expedition as a whole. For now, here are a few pictures from the trip. —Stephen Regenold

For more on Mike Horn’s Pangaea Expedition, go to: