No more pinched fingers, tough adjustments, or twisted straps. Those are the goals of the Nite Ize Dual CamJam.

Traditional cam straps are go-to fasteners for many people in the outdoors. This year, Nite Ize offers an upgrade.
The brand’s Dual CamJam is lighter weight, requires less webbing, and is easier to adjust.
What Is A Cam Strap?
Most cam straps have a spring-loaded cam sewn to one end of the webbing that opens in one direction. You can tighten it and it locks down when you let go of the webbing.
What Is A Dual CamJam?
The Dual CamJam works on the same principle. Only instead of being sewn to one end of the webbing with one cam mechanism, there are two. The webbing also has a fixed loop at one end that lets you create a girth hitch or anchor point.
The first cam allows you to position the buckle anywhere along the length of the strap. Next, tighten the load and reposition the buckle away from any sensitive or delicate items.
The second cam completes the cinching and secures the load.
Dual CamJam Vs. Cam Straps
As noted, the Dual CamJam is smaller and lighter than traditional cam straps.

Nite Ize outfits the Dual CamJam with a closed loop strap, or it can be used with bulk 1” flat or tubular webbing. This not only gives you options for tying down loads, but it serves as an adjustable hammock strap.

Finally, because of the Dual CamJam’s adjustability, it uses about half as much webbing as a cam strap.
Traditional cam straps can only be set up in a looped configuration, meaning a 12-foot strap will provide about 6 feet worth of webbing. The Dual CamJam employs a fixed end setup, allowing you to position the webbing tensioner anywhere along the strap and use nearly all 12 feet on your rigging.
With a break strength of 1,200 pounds and a working load limit of 400 pounds, the Dual CamJam provides plenty of strength.
For those of us who need a simple, safe, reliable tie-down for gear, the Nite Ize Dual CamJam is a new option to investigate.
–See more about the Dual CamJam at