It’s official: no town in the world mixes drinking and skiing better than Breckenridge, Colorado. At least if you measure it by the world’s largest shot ski.

Dear Ullr, Norse god of snow and therefore a skier’s best friend, we love you very much. And to show how much we mountain folk adore your frosty flakes and blustery breath, the good people of Breckenridge, Colorado, threw you a four-day festival earlier this month. Actually, it was the 54th annual Ullr Fest. But who’s counting?
Now, this year was an extremely noteworthy celebration. There was a parade, were floats, and even an Ullr ice plunge, which looked freezing but hilarious. And on January 12, 2017, the Breck townsfolk reclaimed the world record for longest shot ski, which if you don’t know or can’t deduce from the name is, in fact, a bunch of shots on a ski.
Shot Ski Record 2017
The record was dastardly stolen last year by the Wasatch wonders of Park City, Utah, with 1,191 people. But the rockers of the Rockies, 1,234 people to be exact, retrieved the record by attaching 420 miniature skis together with butterfly nuts, constructing the mega-ultra-super-duper 1,997-foot long shot ski.
Rumors suggest the ski weighed several million pounds. However, it was apparently quite easily lifted with the help of an Ullr-lookalike’s beard strength. As we all know, beards are just furry face biceps.
This was not just the reclamation of a world record. Don’t be silly. This was to honor, nay friends, nay, it was a tribute to the snow god, an offering of extreme stoke and vitality.
And it seems to be working. Since January 12, Breckenridge Ski Resort and its surrounding peaks have been thumped with more than four feet of snow. That’s a whole lot of fluffy white fun for skiers and snowboarders to enjoy.
We commend the fist pumping, snow loving lunatics of Breckenridge for partying hard and partying with a good cause. Snow doesn’t just grow on trees, ya know. That’s not how science works. Nice work, Breck!