Love it or hate it, the spork is a staple of outdoor gear. Now, a brand called Morsel claims to have built a better eating tool for the outdoors.
Have you ever found yourself wishing your single piece of outdoors cutlery worked better?
I certainly have. Whether scraping around the bottom of a freeze-dried food container or trying to get the last scraps from a flame-stained pot, many of the light options on the market fall a little short.
Morsel claims it has the answer, and it looks pretty slick (although I haven’t tried it yet).
Morsel Backpackers Eating Tool: A Better Spork
First off, the Morsel costs just $12, so I’ll be grabbing one to see if it lives up to the hype.
Update: Morsel has been out for a few years now and is offering GearJunkie readers a 10% discount when they use the code GJ10 at checkout.
It’s a mix of a spoon, fork, and spatula, made from soft material that will mold into crevices in food containers to get every last bite. The brand spent a year designing it, which shows some serious commitment!
Here’s what the brand claims about its new implement:
● Rubber conformable scraping edge
● Asymmetric shape fits all containers
● Full-size fork with safe cutting edge
● Extended length and deep reach
● Boiling water and dishwasher safe
● BPA-free and FDA food-grade materials
● MSRP $12 (save 10% with the code GJ1o)
Ok, not bad. Here’s my take.
First, the long 10.5-inch handle should reach well into most containers. Short handles and freeze-dried foods don’t go well together; your hand and sleeve end up in the soup.