Want an excuse to go for a walk in whitetail country next week? How about hunting for shed antlers? On March 7, finding sheds (which bucks drop each winter after the rut) can win you prizes.
First time finding a shed & I find this awesome set!!! Jumping up & down like a little kid right now! #shedrally pic.twitter.com/EUAWEtCAOn
— Molly Mills (@Molly_Mills91) March 1, 2014
The hashtag contest, hosted by Whitetail Properties and Realtree, gives you one day to upload photos and videos to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram tagged #ShedRally.
Whitetail Properties will judge all uploaded photos that use the #ShedRally hashtag and pick the most original and creative users to win prizes from Whitetail Properties, Realtree, Scentlok, Buck Knives and Legendary Whitetails.

Shed hunting can be a lot of fun and gives you an excuse to learn more about deer behavior and the woodlands they roam. If you like the idea of spending a day roaming the woods, head out with a loved one and see what you can find.