In case you didn’t see last week. . .
Gear Junkie now has a forums section! Sign in now and start contributing, asking questions, swapping stories, or writing your own gear reviews. Click here:
BONUS: To get the ball rolling last week we awarded the first 50 forum contributors a grab bag of prizes. Well, we’re doing it again this week. Here’s the scoop: Be among the next 50 people who sign up and make two (2) genuine, quality posts — either by joining a discussion or starting one on your own — and you’ll win a Gear Junkie grab bag prize with one or more of the following mailed direct to your home or business:
- Official Gear Junkie Headsweats athletic cap
- Official Gear Junkie winter fleece hat from Headsweats
- Two packs of Bear Naked Granola
- Two pair of Wigwam athletic socks

Go here to sign in:
After making your two posts, email with the following info to claim your prize: 1) Your Name; 2) Address (U.S. citizens only); 3) Forum Username; 4) Links to your posts; 5) Email address. We will confirm if you made the first 50 and ship the prizes out asap.
Happy posting!