To compete for customers and shelf space, water-bottle makers are adding all kinds of bells and whistles to this outdoor gear essential.
Many of these bottle innovations arrive at our door each week. Some stand out. Some leave us scratching our heads. Here are a few of this season’s most interesting endeavors and innovations in water bottles.
Mobot Foam Roller
The Mobot certainly looks weird. That’s because the brand made this soft-sided “mobility” water bottle for drinking and rolling — your IT band, that is. The recycled stainless steel vessel is covered in bumpy, high-density EVA foam. Those scientifically placed nodules are designed to hit known trigger points that overworked muscles love (and hate).
Some color combos are downright gaudy. But putting two recovery aids in a single water bottle — hydration and elongation — is pretty smart. Plus a “quiet sip” flip straw lets you drink slowly rather than chug. Three sizes hold 18 to 40 ounces for $40-60.