If you’ve never been winter camping — and want to — this video is for you.
Snow crunches beneath the feet of snow-walkers as they cross the expansive terrain that is northern Ontario. Everything is cold — the trees, the snow, the air around the fire that warms your fingers. Meet David & Kielyn Marrone, a married duo who have traveled over 4,000 km by snowshoe and camped hundreds of nights in winter seasons.
Winter camping or travel holds a certain allure, though it’s not for everyone. Even if you’ve never sledded, camped in a blizzard, or boiled snow for water, the “Lure of the North” will impress with its ability to convey the balance between the beautiful and tiring expanse.
Director Goh Iromoto, a cinematographer out of Toronto, uses the film to bring close attention to the tougher aspects of winter camping. And it makes me so excited that winter is soon upon us.