Flip through a National Geographic or Outside magazine — or, check out some high-gloss outdoors and adventure photos right here on Gear Junkie! — and you are bombarded with photos that make you want to throw gear in a pack and head immediately into the wild. Camera giant Canon knows the value of a well-captured image and is challenging the public to a photography contest. The winner gets camera gear and a trip to a U.S. National Park of his or her choice.

To enter, visit the Canon Photo Contest Website and submit your photo. It can be a babbling stream, a mountain vista, a soaring eagle or anything else, so long as it was taken at a park or monument in the U.S. The contest opened on May 17th and entries will be taken through September 30th, 2010.
Charge your batteries, pull on your trail shoes, pack a snack and get out there and shoot the prettiest stuff you can find. It might just be your ticket to a new camera and a vacation on Canon’s dime.