
Basic Steel: Keeping with their nomadic traditions, the Tsataan will move their encampment up to ten times per year. Prime pastures are crucial for the health and survival of their reindeer. To uphold this level of mobility, they rely on simplicity — like having only one basic steel knife to provide a multitude of functions.
Each family member of the tribe is expected to perform tasks that are essential for the entire group’s survival. Knife handling skills are learned at a very young age, including hunting, field butchering and preparing the skins of the animals they must utilize for survival.
But their knife handling is not limited to hunting. At home, it’s vital for meal preparation, construction of teepees, chopping kindling for firewood and even using the knife for artistic carvings.
My Multitool Equivalent: I’ll admit that I’m not as highly skilled with a knife as the Tsataan, but was lucky enough to have my Leatherman multi-tool handy. I was able to prepare meals, repair gear and cut kindling for fire. I found the pliers and the knife features the most helpful throughout the duration of my adventure.