Jibe Cycleworks focuses its output on one often-forgotten demographic in the growing sport: teenagers riding competitively.
When bike design industry veteran Jason Halverson saw the rigs kids were riding in his daughter’s high school MTB league, he decided to work toward a change. The National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) coordinates high school cycling in the U.S. For mountain biking, races take the shape of 35-40-minute rides on fairly well-groomed trails.
Unfortunately, the majority of riders Halverson watched were not on bikes that made sense for the terrain.
“You’d show up to practice, and kids would be gung-ho, but man, they weren’t on bikes that were very good for what they were trying to compete [in],” Halverson said. “A lot of kids would be showing up on, you know, actually pretty nice bikes, but they were like 30 lbs., all-mountain, 140/160 travel bikes. You know, it’s not that good for cross-country [riding].
“Or there are kids that are like, ‘oh yeah, my dad rode this, he said it was a great bike — in 1992.”
Halverson perceived a clear discrepancy for any kid who wanted to level up in their riding. After over 20 years of experience in componentry and frame design at companies like GT and Cannondale, he knew equipment mattered.
So after a few years in development, he officially launched Jibe earlier this year. The company rolled out four full builds aimed at helping teen athletes get competitive without getting too spendy.
“Even starting out, for a competitive bike, it would be like three-four (thousand dollars),” Halverson noted. “So that’s what motivated me. What can we do to get these kids on bikes that are competitive but not crazy expensive?”
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Brand Recognition: Jibe Builds

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Getting Traction
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