Combing the internet and streets, an unassuming cyclist brings the heat to bike thieves, one stolen bike at a time.
Editor’s note: Names were changed to protect the identities of people currently involved with undercover police investigations.
It’s just past 8:00 on a quiet Saturday night when two squad cars roar up to the public library in downtown Minneapolis. Two uniformed officers jump out, yelling commands. A plainclothes officer wearing a Punisher T-shirt breaks cover and wheels around with gun drawn.
At the center of the commotion are two men holding a bicycle. And only one of them looks surprised.
Stolen Bicycle Vigilante
Just a few hours before, “Parker” and I were drinking beer when his phone went off. He told me the sting was set for that night.
“Just got a text from the sergeant,” he said. “It’ll be tonight about 8:00. You want to come with?”
Yes, I did. Parker is a veritable stolen-bike wiz kid. He’s always trolling the net for conspicuous for-sale items. He messages people who report stolen gear to the Facebook group Twin Cities Stolen Bikes. And he’s constantly on the lookout about town, mentally cataloging who’s riding what bike.
He’s got an encyclopedic knowledge of bike brands, models, and components. If a 20-year-old kid straddling a $1,200 bike offers to sell it for $80, metaphorical alarms go off. This is when he snaps to action, tracking down likely-stolen bikes and buying them back, sometimes for as little as $20.
At least that’s what he used to do.
Bike Sting
But one Saturday last fall, he called me to say that the police wanted him to lead a sting. Parker had tracked down an expensive road bike and notified the original owner. The owner asked Parker to inform the police.
He did, and the sergeant handling the case asked Parker to arrange a meeting to buy the bike so the police could bust the perp. It was Parker’s first sting.
Undercover Stolen Bike Informant

Bike Theft: Don’t Be a Victim