This full-length documentary tells the story of a group of activists and kayakers who came together to protect their local river.
“Our Local Epic” stars legends like Yvon Chouinard, Rob Lesser, and Aaron Pruzan. It takes us through the series of events that led to saving the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River from development. This documentary has been 3 years in the making.
“Staged against the backdrop of one of North America’s wildest and most remote areas is the story and history of the Box Canyon of the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River and the desperate battle to protect it,” reads the film description.
Kayakers have been paddling the Box Canyon for almost 20 years now, although it wasn’t easy in the beginning. They believed it was impassable. The boaters featured in the film are pioneering explorers and athletes. They’re a voice for Yellowstone River, an intrinsic part of their local landscape.
And it’s not just the history of paddlers’ relationships with the river. This documentary analyzes various interstate water conflicts, explains the legal framework of water disputes, and more.
If you’ve ever felt a deep connection to a landscape, to whitewater or flatwater, watch this film.
The 45-minute film was shot and produced by Will Taggart and Rendezvous River Sports.