Here’s your rhetorical question of the day: Do you like free stuff? OK, so truthfully your answer might depend on the kind of stuff. In this case, though, it’s free outdoor gear from some of the biggest names in the industry.
A collaboration between Hipcamp, REI Co-op, and GearJunkie, the #SaveASpot sweepstakes kicked off on April 3. One grand prize winner will receive a fully outfitted, 2-day trip to a Hipcamp destination, with space for three additional guests. It also comes with a $1,000 travel stipend, plus a grand prize camping package from REI to keep after the trip.
But that’s not all!
Starting April 10, the contest will give gear prizes and Hipcamp gift certificates to 25 additional winners, with five chosen each week via random drawings. Gear brands include REI Co-op, Black Diamond, Hest, Coleman, Stanley, Dometic, BioLite, and others.

“GearJunkie strives to motivate people to get outdoors and explore, and with #SaveASpot we are excited to offer some incredible gear with REI and a weekend away at a Hipcamp,” said Stephen Regenold, founder of GearJunkie.
Not familiar with Hipcamp? The growing platform offers access to more than 400,000 campsites, cabins, yurts, treehouses, RV sites, and other outdoor stays across America. The #SaveASpot Grand Prize winner gets to choose their destination from the site’s large catalog.
“Imagine arriving at a coastal ranch or an incredible vista overlooking a national park to find your campsite set up and waiting with your dream list of gear,” said Hipcamp Head of Partnerships Kristen Vasan.
“We see an opportunity to create more magical experiences by surprising and delighting Hipcampers with gear and amenities that will make their trip unforgettable. We’re thrilled to collaborate with REI by delivering some of the most popular outdoor gear to campers at our one-of-a-kind Hipcamp sites.”
See sweepstake entry rules, details, and a full list of the weekly prize and grand prize gear at the #SaveASpot web page.
This article is a paid partnership between GearJunkie, REI, and Hipcamp.