You have 90 minutes. A map and a clue sheet are your only guides. Time to sprint through the city to decipher a puzzle that involves strategy as well as athletic skill.
Last weekend, GearJunkie partnered with Twin Cities In Motion, the people behind the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon and other major events, to launch the inaugural TC Urban Dash.
The team event, sponsored by Fitsok, was held on August 10th in Minneapolis. It entailed an open, choose-your-own-adventure course through the city’s North Loop neighborhood.

More than 200 racers signed up. They plotted a course before the time clock started, and at the GO! the pack ran off to complete a 4- to 6-mile challenge (depending on your route choice) with mental puzzles, a 7-story stair climb, a sprint along the Mississippi River, and 20+ additional tasks on a scavenger hunt format.
The winners blazed the course in less than 50 minutes, arriving to the finishing chute winded and with a completed clue sheet in hand. Average teams took longer, up to 90 minutes, but arrived just in time for the North Loop Fest, where music, food, beer, and a massive prize raffle ensued into the summer night.

Thanks to all the racers who came out and the volunteers who helped make the event happen. We had a blast building the urban adventure course. Hope to see even more “TC Dashers” next year for the race!
—Stephen Regenold