Pre-Challenge Mindset

Mental & Physical Obstacles
The Biggest Challenge of All
Are you sure you should be doing this? You’re too fat to do this. No one out here looks like you. Don’t be stupid. Just quit and save yourself the time. What makes you think you can do this?
Leadville 100K Challenge: How I Changed
Leadville 100K Challenge: The Gear I Used
- All Trails Pro: I’ve used AllTrails for years without signing up for Pro services, and now I realize what a mistake that was. For big adventures, the ability to download the maps and use them offline is a legit time- and lifesaver. Do it now. You won’t regret it.
- Altra Timp 2.0: The wide toebox, zero-drop, ultra-cushioned Altra Timp 2.0 was like a dream on my foot. While a lot of people felt the upper was tight compared to the Timp 1.5, I promise you that after one to 3 miles, they break in. The Timp 2.0 is a far superior and more responsive shoe than the previous 1.5 model. Available in women’s and men’s models.
- Ultimate Direction Mountain Vest 5.0: I was not let down when I bought the Ultimate Direction Mountain Vest 5.0. It was perfect for my small days, and it had more than enough storage for my biggest day — nearly 17 miles and 7,000 feet of climbing. That big day, I carried 4.5 liters of water (a 2.5L reservoir and four 500mL body II bottles) and used every drop. All while carrying my phone, baby wipes, IcyHot, earbuds, gels, and a sandwich. This really is a fantastic all-around vest.

- Fuel: Every runner is going to have unique nutrition needs, but for me, the combination of Spring Energy and Tailwind was perfect. As a larger runner taking on massive vert days, my caloric needs were definitely higher than the average runner. So I went with the Spring Energy SpeedNut with caffeine (250 calories) and the Wolf Pack (300 calories and oh-so-yummy) as my staples. I was especially excited to try the Tailwind Nutrition product for two reasons. One, it’s made locally in Colorado, and two, I lost a ton of salt via heavy sweating, and a high-sugar diet kept me from bonking. So I became a big fan of Tailwind’s caffeinated endurance fuel. Each scoop contains 300mg of sodium and 25g of sugar. And, you can mix it into water. Let’s face it, you don’t always want to eat a gel, and liquid calories are easy to keep down.
- Suunto 9 Baro: This watch has way too many features to list, but it was invaluable in keeping me on track throughout this challenge. I used the Baro because I thought it was a nice feature to have altitude — and, therefore, vert — measured by both barometric readings and GPS.
- Friends. As cheesy as this sounds, the most important piece of equipment I had through this whole challenge were those closest to me. Without their constant support, check-ins — and dog-watching services — no way would I have successfully completed this challenge. A good crew is as crucial to success as all the equipment listed above, combined.