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Weber’s New Grill Tech Tells You When to Flip the Burgers

Weber Connect
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Weber claims its new platform, Weber Connect, will turn any grill into a smart grill.

Bluetooth technology and apps have quickly wormed their way into the world of food grilling. And a new push from grill giant Weber looks to make any grill more high-tech than ever.

Weber Connect

Announced today at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the Weber Connect Smart Grilling Hub provides a “step-by-step grilling assistant that sends notifications directly to a smartphone on everything from grill setup to when food is ready to flip, serve, and eat,” Weber said in a press release.

The show honored Weber with an Innovation Award for the technology. Here’s how it works.

Weber Connect Smart Grill: How It Works

The core of the Weber Connect Smart Grill is a wireless “hub.” This hub connects to meat and ambient temperature probes that plug into the hub. These probes, which you poke into the meat, connect to the hub via thin wires. They collect data and integrate with your phone through an app. You can use this hub with any grill. The app then uses the heat and time info to provide step-by-step directions for cooks.


The Weber Connect app has a variety of grilling programs, developed by Weber Grill Masters, with detailed instructions. New content will continuously evolve and update.

“We started with the simple idea of using modern technology to make cooking perfectly easy for anyone, and we applied that to grilling,” said Matt Van Horn, CEO and co-founder of June, Weber’s partner in its smart grill technology.

“From smoking a holiday turkey to hosting a backyard barbeque, everyone from the novice griller to an experienced grill master will have the confidence that whatever they make will come out perfectly.”

The Weber Connect Smart Grilling Hub launches in early 2020. It will be available for $130. For more information on the Weber Connect Smart Grilling Hub, visit weber.com.

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