From adventurers to iconoclasts, our ‘110 Outdoor Ambassadors’ project launched last month. This week we updated the immersive site, and we are now asking readers to nominate anyone who over the past 110 years has made a difference in the outdoors.
See the full site here, and then nominate the people who have inspired and influenced your life and outdoor pursuits.

Updates this week included Vitale Bramani, Galen Rowell, JP Auclair (photo below), Scott Jurek, Trip Jennings, Elizabeth Hawley, Doug Stoup, Jason Kruk, Rickey Gates, Ted Trueblood, and Nick Woodman. Start at this slide to see the new ambassadors.

We’ll update the project as we head toward a full list of ‘110 Outdoor Ambassadors’ next month.
—Thanks to Wigwam, a made-in-the-USA socks brand, for sponsoring our 110 project in sync with its 110th anniversary.