Alpine Parrot empowers plus-size women to stake a claim to the outdoors with the simple act of providing pants that fit.
If you’re female and you wear size 14 pants or larger, you’re not alone. More than 68% of American women are size 14 or larger. And if you are plus-size and have walked into your local outdoor store to buy hiking pants, you probably walked out empty-handed.
It’s not just that most outdoor retailers don’t carry pants larger than size 12. But despite the data, most outdoor brands don’t even make them.
Raquel Vélez, founder of Alpine Parrot, wants to change that. This week, Alpine Parrot launches a sticker campaign, “This Is My Happy Place,” as a precursor to its April Kickstarter launch of plus-size hiking pants. The brand makes pants for outdoor adventures in size 14 and up.
Here’s what you need to know about the brand, its debut product, and a fun piece of swag to get you ready for a whole new line of inclusive outdoor apparel.

Alpine Parrot Pants: Inclusive Sizing, Inclusive Model
Alpine Parrot’s pants will not only come in more inclusive sizing but in inclusive shapes too. The pants will come in two silhouettes: mountain, for women with smaller waists and bigger hips, and river, for women with a straighter figure.
Second, Vélez scaled Alpine Parrot pants to fit by basing every size on a human body of that size, not a single model. (Most clothing design starts with a fit model, and to create bigger and smaller sizes, a brand essentially puts the pattern for the model’s pants on a photocopier to increases or decrease the size.)
That’s one of the reasons a lot of plus-size clothing doesn’t fit. Just because someone needs more space in the waist or butt doesn’t mean their pant legs need to be proportionally longer.
Third, Alpine Parrot’s pants forward the brand’s mission to provide clothing that celebrates and encourages everyone to enjoy the outdoors. Alpine Parrot does it by calling out people of size and color. And as a woman of size and color herself, Vélez is acutely aware of feeling left out and uninvited.
“No outdoor brand has told plus-size and BIPOC women that we matter,” she said. “We are making hiking pants that fit plus-size and BIPOC women, pants we can feel good about, which is the first step to getting more plus-size women outside.”

Ponderosa Pants
The Prototype
Comfortable, Easy to Carry
Way More Than Just Pants

More Sizes, More Choices
Learn More at Alpine Parrot#HappyPlaceAP Sticker Campaign