From the size and scale of the oceans to the power and speed of the creatures that reside within them, a trip offshore can transform your perspective in ways that have little to do with fishing.
Many dynamics of offshore fishing can be described only in relation to other bluewater experiences. For instance, no matter how many 12-pound largemouth bass you’ve caught, it doesn’t compare to fighting a 500-pound blue marlin or a 150-pound yellowfin tuna.
Read on for an introduction to offshore fishing (and why we think everyone should try it). You don’t need to go to a certain location or catch a specific kind of fish. The ocean is an all-encompassing place with endless experiences to pursue.
The Power of Scale and Perspective
These days, we live in a largely on-demand society. We’re so accustomed to getting what we want immediately that we sometimes forget our planet is more powerful than us (something people living 200 years ago certainly understood).
Time on the ocean provides a great dose of perspective. When you’re offshore and all you can see is water in every direction — as far as the eye can see — you remember that forces beyond our control exist.
Without getting into the metaphysical, this type of perspective can be valuable against the contrast of busy days, working life, and land-divined obligations.