Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Columbia Women’s Wildone Anthem Shoe: $48 (52% Off With Code JUNEDEALS)
If you’re looking for an everyday shoe that can take you just about anywhere, this may be an option for you. The shoe is designed to have a supportive insole and grippy outsole, and it’s treated with a stain-resistant coating. Customer reviews highlight the combination of style and function.
Shop NowRiot Escape 12 Angler Sit-on-Top Kayak: $510 (40% Off)
Designed with anglers in mind, this kayak has multiple rod holders and a 300-pound weight capacity. It is made with high-density polyethylene for durability and stability, as well as a cushioned seat for a comfortable ride.
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