While trawling the infinite wares on display at Kickstarter, buried deep down the scroll, a campaign caught my eye. Not only did it bear an unusual thumbnail image — a man’s torso apparently floating over the horizon — but its simple, unmistakable product name left me speechless: Invisibility Shield 2.0.
My first thought, “There’s an invisibility shield?” was quickly replaced by, “There’s a second invisibility shield?!” Sure enough, the sizzle reel created by the thoughtfully named company, Invisibility Shield Co., shows everyday people walking behind a slightly blurry section of an otherwise empty landscape … and disappearing behind it.
And when I say slightly, I mean very slight. See for yourself.
Invisibility Shield 2.0
Each shield uses a precision engineered lens array to direct light reflected from the subject standing behind it, away from the observer standing in front. The lenses in this array are oriented so that the vertical strip of light reflected by the standing/crouching subject becomes diffuse when spread out horizontally on passing through the back of the shield.
In contrast, the strip of light reflected from the background is much wider, so when it passes through the back of the shield, far more of it is refracted both across the shield and towards the observer. From the observer’s perspective, this background light is effectively smeared horizontally across the front face of the shield, over the area where the subject would ordinarily be seen.
Invisibility Shield Co. on Kickstarter