Professional Bike Fitting

Fine tuning a bike to fit a rider’s precise body dimensions — down to millimeter increments — is a regimen often associated with serious road…

Mora knives

More than 100 years ago, in the rural Swedish village of Ostnor, just outside of the well-known town of Mora, a knifesmith named Erik Frost…

Inov-8 mountain running shoes

These aren’t trail runners. They aren’t shoes you’d wear for a jog on the street, either. U.K.-based Inoveight Ltd. makes shoes for the oddball sport…

Ironman Swim

In mid-September, the Gear Junkie is signed up to compete in Ironman Wisconsin, a full-scale Ironman triathlon event that includes a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile…

The Thumb Compass Review

The thumb compass is a funny little esoteric piece of gear that’s slowly earned my respect over the past few months. I was first introduced…

ProBar Energy Bar Review

Art Eggertsen worked as a congressional lobbyist representing nutrition-education interests before switching to a career in energy foods. As founder of ProBar LLC, a small…

Ironman Run

The final leg of an Ironman triathlon — a painful 26.2-mile marathon run — is undoubtedly the most loathsome and horrific portion of the race.…

Ironman Bike section

The second leg of an Ironman triathlon is a grueling bike segment that stretches on and on for 112 miles. Top-end cycling equipment is a…

Brunton SolarRoll Review

Brunton’s SolarRoll products are flexible plastic sheets with embedded solar paneling made for powering electronic equipment deep in the wilderness. The rolls weigh less than…

Nordic Walking

Perhaps you’ve seen them walking through the park, striding earnestly, poles pumping at their sides, skiers without any snow. Perhaps you’ve snickered or offered a…

Defeet custom socks

In the early ’90s, Shane Cooper brought together the unlikely bedfellows of bike racing and sock knitting to create Defeet International. Cooper, who was a…

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