
Just off Interstate Highway 70 in eastern Utah, in the steep topography north of its namesake town, the snaking Green River cuts a deep gorge…

Ispo show highlights

As one of the world’s largest outdoors and fitness-sports exhibitions, Ispo brings together a diverse group of international companies to provide a peek at worldwide…

‘Performance’ Flip-Flops

The proverbial flip-flop sandal just barely passes for a shoe. It offers little support and no toe protection. It’s made to be worn casually, for…

Best Energy bars

My current obsession with adventure racing has me eating a lot of energy bars. Out in the woods, running and biking and bushwhacking for hours…

Best Merino Wool Base Layers

Just a couple years back, it was hard to find quality winter-weather base layers made of anything but polypropylene. But the tide has turned, and…

Cold-weather cycling jackets

Wintertime bike riding is not for the meek. Numb hands, slippery sidewalks and unplowed trails, windburn, road spray and endless dark evenings can make even…

Ice climbing equipment

The obscure, some would say insane, sport of climbing frozen waterfalls is not so obscure anymore. At least according to a new report compiled by…

Davis Instruments Knot-a-Bag

The humble plastic bag is an indispensable item for anyone who spends time in the outdoors. Whether stowing food for an overnight backpacking trip, transporting…

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