For handmade items and crafts, the popular website Etsy helps buyers and sellers find one another and do business. A new site called Pedalr aims to do the same in the world of cycling. Dubbed a “marketplace for people who love bikes,” the venture launches this month and is a free service where pedal-pushers can shop for new and used bikes, parts, accessories and gear.
After you sign up for an account, you can peruse merchandise from small and custom bike companies and ask sellers questions online. Or you can list your own items and conduct transactions. Members create a profile and can operate their own small online store.

From my look at the site, Pedalr seems geared more to the alternative side of cycling. Those who prefer not to visit the local bike chain, are searching for something more unique, or looking for used equipment will love this site. You’re likely to see stuff there that you won’t find in your own town.
If you are on the hunt for bikes and bike-related gear or apparel, or need to rid yourself of some, Pedalr’s marketplace is a unique new option.