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This Surfer Is Challenging Stereotypes One Wave at a Time

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Danielle Lyons is more than just a surfer girl — she’s a mentor and leader shaking up surf stereotypes.

The Inertia’s latest short film profiles Danielle Black Lyons, a woman of color who is working to increase the representation of minorities in the surf community.

“I’ve always been inspired by surf films that I see and the lifestyle that you see portrayed,” said Lyons. “But I never saw any images of anybody that looked like me.”

The film packs in a lot: an interview with Lyons, film footage of her and other female surfers, and a deeper look at the communities working to garner equal representation in surfing and beyond.

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Lyons is the co-founder of the nonprofit Textured Waves, a collective run by women to promote diversity in surfing, particularly women of color. The organization’s slogan is simple: “Women of All Shades, Riding the Waves.” Surfing is still very much a male-dominated sport, but more and more identities are fighting for visibility and representation.

The more diverse a community is, the more it can grow. And Lyons’ effort is just one awesome step in the right direction.

This film is presented by The Inertia and supported by Carve Designs.

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